Annika Hurwitt, Ph.D.

A psychotherapist by training, who works with individuals and couples, and coaches leaders to transform themselves and their organizations by leading through love and well being.

Finding Psychological Freedom

May & June 2023; $291 to join.

As a follow-on to the previous 3 courses – “Coming Home,” “Our True Identity,” and “Journey Into Love,” this course will explore what it means to live in psychological freedom.

By Invitation Only.

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The 3 Principles Single Paradigm

Sign up below to receive complimentary access to my 30-Minute Foundational Course on the Three Principles Single Paradigm, the principles that govern all human functioning.

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The Three Principles Single Paradigm

Sign up below to receive complimentary access to my 30-minute Foundational Course on the Three Principles Single Paradigm, the principles that are behind all human experiences and behavior.

Video Series Available Now

Resilient Women Leaders in Challenging Times

The Spiritual Logic of the Single Paradigm

News, Latest Posts, Videos, Thoughts, Annika’s Voice…

A Quiet Mind: From Ah To Aha

A quiet mind – sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? Noisy people, traffic, the electronic distractions of smartphones, headsets, computer screens, smart speakers, etc., added to your incessant inner chatter, make you long for peace and quiet. Turns out, a quiet mind doesn’t just feel good – it’s good for you. The evidence is compelling. A restful…
Read More A Quiet Mind: From Ah To Aha

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