What’s Love Got to do With It?

What’s Love Got to do With It?

I’m struck over and over again by how, when people get introduced to the Principles of Mind Consciousness and Thought, they become more naturally present, and how, when people are present they experience love. Love is essential to leadership, because when you feel love, you naturally turn away from reactive patterns of thought. In a…

Finding Sustainable Well Being

Finding Sustainable Well Being

Almost everywhere you look, people are running from their feelings. Whether it’s shopping, eating, drinking too much or, in some cases, exercise – people go to great lengths to avoid the feelings they’re afraid of. I’ve even seen people try to use the ‘good feeling’ they get from listening to Sydney Banks, or 3P Practitioners,…

Mental Clarity in a Minute

Mental Clarity in a Minute

It’s really been striking me lately how easily our minds can clear themselves and return to the present moment, where we have mental clarity and access to our best thinking, and yet how much time we spend disconnected from our mental clarity. When you watch children, it’s clear that nature designed your mind to clear…

Mental Rest Part II

I wrote Mental Rest Part I last August, 2013. I talked then about how everything in nature has a rhythm of activity and rest, and how our minds are designed the same way. I pointed out in that article that people who learn about the 3 principles realize that, while activities like yoga and meditation…

Great Leaders Have Mental Clarity

Great leaders are people who naturally have mental clarity, and mental clarity comes from not having a lot on your mind. I have found the quickest way to not have mental clarity is to view your psychological life scientifically. Psychology, according to New Oxford’s American Dictionary, is “the scientific study of the human mind.” But…

Why Do Women Leaders Lack Confidence, and What Can Be Done About It?

Why Do Women Leader Lack Confidence, and What Can Be Done About It? Many books and articles coming out about women’s leadership lately have discussed women’s lack of confidence.  Sheryl Sandberg talks about it in her wonderful book, Lean In, as do Katie Kay and Claire Shipman in their recently published article, “The Confidence Gap,”…

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