Courses and Programs

The Essence of Life: Phase 2

How Coming Home to our True Self, discovering Our True Identity, and making the Journey into Love connects us to the Essence of Life.

The Essence of Life

How Coming Home to our True Self, discovering Our True Identity, and making the Journey into Love connects us to the Essence of Life.

Resilient Women Leaders in Challenging Times

A 4-part video series on how a simple but profound understanding of the mind leads to resiliency in leadership and the particular strengths and challenges that women leaders face.

Our True Identity

Uncovering your true identity. 11-part video series.

Journey Into Love

Becoming Love. An 11-part video series.

Finding Psychological Freedom

Uncovering the Freedom within You. 9-part video series.

The Spiritual Logic of the Single Paradigm

A 6-part video series that explores in-depth how the logic of the Three Principles Single Paradigm reveals a deeply spiritual understanding of your experience of life.